Special Promotion For Montreal Koi Show on 1 July 2023
In order to promote the koi keeping hobby and encourage our customers to participate in the Montreal Koi Show competition to be held on 1 July 2023 at the Japnese Pavilion Of The Montreal Botanical Garden, Hoseki Koi & Pond is happy to organize a Special Promotion for the Event.
1. Starting from 1 Jun 2023 to 25 Jun 2023, customers who have fulfilled all the below criterions, can receive 2 kg of Nijikawa Premium Koi food sample per family, at the end of the Montreal Koi Show:-
a. customers must have “Liked” our Facebook Page at facebook.com/hosekikoipond.
b. net purchase of koi at least $300 (not including tax, delivery or other products) from Hoseki Koi & Pond
c. entered at least 1 purchased koi into the Koi Show for competition until the koi show ends at 4:00 pm
d. proof of purchase and entry of Koi Show competition is required.
2. At the end of the Koi Show, customers can receive any 2 products of the i) Nijikawa Growth 1 kg M, ii) Nijikawa Four Seasons 1 kg M or iii) Nijikawa Color Genesis 1kg L while quantity is available at the koi show.
3. Customers who enter the purchased koi into the koi Show must notify us through our Facebook Messenger no later than 11:59 of 25 Jun 2023.. The food is a free gift after the koi show and has no cash value. If customers who are entitle for the free gift do not pick it up on the spot, no further compensation in any form will be provided.
4. After the Koi Show, the above customers are entitled for a further 10% discount on all koi food purchased from Hoseki Koi & Pond up to a maximum of $1,000 net before discount. Offer ends either on 30 Sep 2023 or stock is sold out, whichever is the earlist. Customers must register with Hoseki Koi & Pond on or before 8 July 2023 through our Facebook Messenger.
5. The above customers who have already purchased koi food between 1 Jun 2023 to 30 Jun 2023 can request for in-store credit for further koi food purchase through Facebook Messenger. The in-store credit has no cash value and has to be used either on or before 31 Dec 2023. Any unclaimed in store credit will be voided and no further compensation in any form will be provided.
6. Customers who enter the purchased koi into the Montreal koi Show on 1 Jul 2023, must notify us together with the 2 preferred Nijikawa food varieties in Item 2 through our Facebook Messenger no later than 11:59 of 25 Jun 2023. Offer ends while quantity is available.
7. Starting from 1 Jun 2023, customers who have “Liked” our Facebook Page, with a net purchase of at least $300 net on our koi but have not entered into the Koi Show for competition, are entitled to a 5% discount on all our koi food up to a maximum of $1,000 before tax. Offer ends either on 30 Sep 2023 or stock is sold out, whichever is the earliest. Proof of koi purchase is required and must register with Hoseki Koi & Pond at the time of koi purchase.
7. Hoseki Koi & Ponds reserve the rights to make final judgement if any argument on the above Montreal Koi Show 2023 Special Promotion arises.