This class covers all metallic koi with two or more colors that do not fit in Hikarimuji or Hikariutsuri categories.
- Kujyaku: platinum koi with with metallic-orange pattern, the scales being overlaid with a Matsuba "pinecone" pattern.
- Doitsu Kujyaku: Kujyaku with Doitsu scalation.
-Kouryu is a Doitsu verion Kujaku that with a metallic sheen and a keel-like pattern (typical doitsu pattern) on its back. Kouryu can be interpreted as “Yellow Dragon” in Japanese. This variety is admired for its bright, reflective scales and striking contrast.- Platinum Kohaku: a cross between Kohaku and Platinum Ogon, it is a Kohaku with a platinum base.
- Yamatonishiki: the metallic version of Sanke. (Some people call "Yamatonishiki" both the metallic scaled Sanke and the doitsu version of it. Other people call the scaled metallic Sanke – “Yamatonishiki" and the doitsu version - "Heisei Nishiki".)
- Kinsui and Ginsui: metallic Shusui. The ones golden/red are called Kinsui and the silvery ones - Ginsui.
- Shochikubai: metallic Ai Goromo.
- Beni Kujaku: Kujaku with red markings.
- Sakura Ogon: metallic Kohaku (Hariwake) with a red pattern.
- Gin Bekko: metallic shiro Bekko
- Tora Ogon: golden-metallic Ki Bekko.
- Yamabuki Hariwake: bright golden Ogon pattern on a platinum body.
- Orenji Hariwake: orange Ogon pattern on a platinum body.- Hariwake Matsuba: a silver and dark-gold koi with "pinecone" pattern.
- Yamabuki Hariwake Matsuba: same, with a bright-golden colour.
- Kikusui: Doitsu Platinum Kohaku. (Some people call them “Doitsu Hariwake”
- Doitsu Yamabuki Hariwake: silver and gold with Doitsu scalation.
- Doitsu Orenji Hariwake: silver and orange with Doitsu scalation.
- Doitsu Hariwake Matsuba
- Gin Shiro Utsuri: metallic Shiro Utsuri, two colors (black and white)
- Kin Ki Utsuri: metallic Ki Utsuri, two colors (black and yellow)
- Kin Hi Utsuri: metallic Hi Utsuri, two colors (black and red)
- Kin Showa: metallic Showa, three colors (black, red and white)