Golden Corn – Golden Corn

Kanoko Koi are koi with Hi dots developed at the center of the scales, which makes the Koi with dappled red spot on the scale over the body.

Mr Youichi Taniguchi spent 12 years through multiple crossing between Chaigoi female with Ginrin Asagi male , and then crossing Ginrin Saragoi like female with Asagi male, and finally crossing Ginrin Asagi like female with Karashi male before he succeeded in breeding this brilliant new Golden Corn variety around 5 years ago. 

There are a few different versions of the Golden Corn but the most common version has a bright yellow base colour with red reticulation on the ginrin scales across the whole body.

For more information, please follow the links below for more detail:-

Zen Nippon Airinkai has already classified Golden Corn under 2 groups in the Koi Show. The Mujimono and Kawarimono group. Below is the details for the grouping when entering Golden Corn into Koi Show. It also details different versions of Golden Corn that you may find in the market.

Credit goes to ZNA (Zen Nippon Airinkai) for all the photos and grouping details.